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MODULE 4: Understanding Copyright Law (EPUB)

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  • Written by Heather Briston 

  • Describes the main principles of copyright law and outlines strategies for addressing common issues, special topics, and digital projects. The focus is on four categories: risk management, library and archives reproduction, fair use, and orphan works. The impact of international treaties and trade agreements on American copyright law, and the importance of understanding publicity and personality rights is also discussed.

    Product Details

    Publisher: Society of American Archivists (2015)
    Epub: 70 pages
    ISBN: 978-1-931666-77-0

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Understanding Copyright Law
  • “. . . a helpful tool for archival students and professionals who seek to gain a better understanding of their legal obligations as archivists and of their profession’s ethics and best practices with regard to copyright, intellectual property, and privacy."
    Provenance (2016)