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Archival Arrangement and Description

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  • Edited with an Introduction by Christopher J. Prom and Thomas J. Frusciano; featuring modules by Sibyl Schaefer, Janet M. Bunde, J. Gordon Daines, and Daniel A. Santamaria

  • Archival Arrangement and Description -- the first installment in the series Trends in Archives Practice -- explores three areas of evolution: the necessity to understand and use a range of descriptive standards to facilitate intellectual control and to improve access; the development of techniques to process born-digital or electronic records; and the methods used to make descriptive information about archives, and archival materials themselves, accessible via the Internet. Three modules are featured:

    • Module 1: Standards for Archival Description
      by Sibyl Schaefer and Janet M. Bunde

      Untangles the history of standards development and provides an overview of descriptive standards that an archives might wish to use.
    • Module 2: Processing Digital Records and Manuscripts
      by J. Gordon Daines III

      Builds on familiar terminology and models to show how any repository can take practical steps to process born-digital materials and to make them accessible to users.
    • Module 3: Designing Descriptive and Access Systems
      by Daniel A. Santamaria

      Implementation advice regarding the wide range of tools and software that support specific needs in arranging, describing, and providing access to analog and digital archival materials.

    Product Details

    Publisher: Society of American Archivists (2013)
    Paperback: 230 pages
    Product Dimension: 6x9 inches
    Weight: 0.654 pounds
    ISBN: 1-931666-45-8

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Archival Arrangement and Description
  • “Archival Arrangement and Description provides archivists with basic knowledge on modern archival descriptive practices, giving an archivist at any size repository a solid foundation for making professional judgments regarding descriptive standards, born-digital records processing, and descriptive and access systems.”
    Provenance, Volume 31, Issue 1

    "The publication is exceptionally timely and authoritative with actionable advice and adaptable workflows for most any archival repository."
    Archival Issues, 2014

    "The authors offer reliable information and proficient insights for all levels of experience, varied institution sizes, and multiple technology skill-levels."
    Journal for the Society of North Carolina Archivists, Spring 2014

    ". . . straight-forward and well-researched information about how archivists can learn about and prepare for managing both digitized and born-digital materials."
    Journal of Western Archives, 2013

    "The three independent but interrelated modules in this volume can be used individually, but collectively they provide a way to understand the current trends and practices in archival arrangement and description."
    American Archivist , Fall/Winter 2013

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