This course was originally scheduled for May 22, 2020 in Miami, FL. Due to COVID-19 concerns and cancellations, this course will be held ONLINE. This course WILL count towards the in-person requirement for the DAS and A&D program.
Email is a story keeper and a storyteller; over 3.5 billion people currently use email, and on an average day, 281 billion messages are sent and received. Amidst the daily chatter, email evidence accumulates, and the future historian bides their time until the day when they can sift through the email archives, piecing together tomorrow’s histories.
To enable this future research, libraries and archives must capture, preserve, and provide access to the evidence that email holds. Yet to date, relatively few archival programs have taken that leap in a systematic way. Part of the problem is complexity. Email is not one thing, but a complicated interaction of technical subsystems for composition, transport, viewing, and storage. Archiving email involves multiple processes. Archivists must build trust with donors, appraise collections, capture them from many locations, process email records, meet privacy and legal considerations, preserve messages and attachments, and facilitate access.
Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to:
- Describe the unique properties of email, and demonstrate knowledge of the effects those unique properties have on email preservation and access.
- Identify and respond to challenges (legal, technical, and staffing) associated with programs to acquire, preserve and provide access to email records.
- Use one or more email processing tools to classify, arrange, and describe a simple email collection.
- Develop an email processing workflow, for potential implementation in their own repository.
Who Should Attend:
archivist practitioners, archivist managers, archivist administrators, museum professionals, records managers
What You Should Already Know:
No prior experience necessary.
DAS Core Competency:
3. Formulate strategies and tactics for appraising, acquiring, describing, managing, organizing, preserving, and delivering digital archives.
4. Incorporate technologies throughout the archival lifecycle.
6. Employ standards and best practices in the management of digital archives.
If you intend to pursue the DAS Certificate, you will need to pass the examination for this course.
Fees: Advance / Regular:
SAA Members: $199 / $249
Employees of SAA Member Institutions: $239 / $299
Nonmembers: $279 / $349
Credits: .75 CEUs, 5 ARCs, 1 DAS Tools & Services