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When and Where
  • 7/14/2015 9:00 AM CDT
  • 12/31/2049 4:00 PM CST
  • Webcast
  • Veronica Martzahl

To access all on-demand webcasts, please login to SAA's Learning Management System after completing your purchase.

For years, Archives have focused on creating workflows for the ingest and preservation of born-digital records. While we have become increasingly comfortable with the SIPs and DIPs of the OAIS model, many of us still struggle with the DIPs – proving access to those materials. This webcast will focus on the underlying policy consideration in play when providing access to born-digital records, as well as provide an overview of methods and tools for providing appropriate access.


Upon completion of this course, you will:

  • Define a range of access methodologies.
  • Identify how access considerations impact transfer agreements.
  • Assess tools for the identification and redaction of sensitive or protected information.


Who Should Attend:

repository managers, archivists, practitioners, anyone responsible for providing access to born digital archival materials


What Should You Know: 

Registrants should have basic knowledge about digital preservation strategies. This course builds on others in the Digital Archives Specialist (DAS) curriculum including Basics of Managing Digital Records.


DAS Core Competencies:

4. Incorporate technologies throughout the archival lifecycle.

6. Employ standards and best practices in the management of digital archives.

You will have access to this product for 60 days from the date of purchase. Once the webcast is purchased, go to SAA's Learning Management System and click the Resources tab to access a PDF of the presentation slides and the webcast exam (if applicable).

If you intend to pursue the DAS Certificate, you'll need to pass the examination for this course.