In an era of budget cuts, learning to write better grant proposals might just pay for itself. This course surveys the types of state, federal, and private foundation grants available and provides information about researching and writing grant proposals. Topics include types of grants, types of funders, elements of a grant proposal, the grant review process, managing your grant project, reporting requirements, and funding resources.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to:
Explain the grant review process
Differentiate between types of grants and funders
Identify parts of a grant proposal and where to look for resources
Identify alternative sources of funding
Who Should Attend:
Archivists, librarians, and other staff members who have an interest in or responsibility to explore funding resources for an institution. An emphasis on preservation grants is stressed.
Registration Fee: Early-Bird / Regular
SAA Member: $199 / $249
Employee of SAA Member Institution: $239 / $299
Nonmember: $279 / $349