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When and Where
  • 9/17/2024 3:00 PM CDT
  • 9/17/2024 4:30 PM CDT
  • 8/17/2024 11:45 PM CDT
  • Virtual
  • Madeleine Binsfrahm

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Investing in You: Taking Charge of Your Career

Your career is just that - yours. Investing in yourself means creating your own opportunities today to increase your success and career enjoyment in the future. Develop strategies for building your network, crafting your personal brand, and finding professional development that aligns with your career goals. Don’t wait for someone else to decide your path - invest in yourself and pave your own road to a thriving and fulfilling career.

 Instructors bios:

Madeleine Binsfrahm (she/her) is the Owner and Primary Consultant for The Binsfrahm Group. Her career path has allowed her to explore many facets of how organizations work, the process of culture change, effective strategic planning, uncovering systematic biases, and more. Madeleine's experience grounds her work in an inquiry-based and collaborative approach.

Fees: Advance / Regular: 

SAA Members: $49

Employees of SAA Member Institutions: $49

Nonmembers: $49