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When and Where
  • 6/22/2023 1:00 PM CDT
  • 6/22/2023 2:00 PM CDT
  • 5/22/2023 11:45 PM CDT
  • Virtual
  • Rachael Woody

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How do you know when it’s time for a career change? Panelists will share their experiences, ranging from grief, to relief, to hope on transitioning to or from the archival field. They will share about their experience refocusing their professional identity and moving forward with confidence and increased agency into their new role.


Rachael Cristine Woody is the Founder + Director of Relicura™ LLC, a firm that provides services to archives, museums, and cultural heritage organizations. Woody specializes in collection assessment, establishing archival programs, and launching digital collections. She served on SAA’s Committee on Public Awareness, founded the Archivist-in-Residence (paid internship) program at Northwest Archivists, and offers monthly webinars on professional topics including Burnt Out in Glam World, Hello, Imposter, How Much am I Worth?, and Your Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste. Woody is a “people first” advocate and has honed her career and advocacy work at both the National Museum of Asian Art of the Smithsonian Institution, and the Oregon Wine History Archive at Linfield University, before founding her company: Relicura™ LLC. All Relicura™ webinars are available to the public at https://www.youtube.com/@Relicura.

Jessica Chapel (she/her/hers) is the incoming Chief of Digital & Online Services at the Boston Public Library. In this role, she'll provide strategic leadership for a team of archivists, librarians, and technologists responsible for creating, stewarding, and enhancing BPL digital collections. Jessica serves on the SAA Foundation board of directors, as chair of the SAA Accessibility & Disability Section, and was a co-founder of the Archival Workers Emergency Fund. With Alison Clemens and Lydia Tang, she is developing a collective leadership curriculum for SAA Education.

Shaneé Yvette Willis is the director of Community Engagement of the Digital Public Library of America, supporting a national network of more than 5,000 contributing cultural heritage organizations to advance the preservation, dissemination, and use of our shared digital heritage. She also stewarded partnerships and curation for the Black Women’s Suffrage Digital Collection. Prior to joining DPLA, Shaneé led the collection of campus records and a community archives project with local churches at the University of West Georgia as University Archivist and assistant professor where she was named Faculty Member of the Year in 2018. Previously she was Director of Library Services and Archivist at Payne Theological Seminary, where she curated the Payne Theological Seminary and African Methodist Episcopal Church Digital Collection and was Project Coordinator of the Religion in North Carolina Digital Collection at Duke Divinity School. She was the 2019 President-Elect of the Society of Georgia Archivists and serves on the Board of Directors of Atla, formerly known as the American Theological Library Association.Shaneé holds a B.A. in Religion and Philosophy from Bethune-Cookman University, the Master of Divinity from Drew Theological School, and a Master of Library Science from North Carolina Central University.

Dr. Lydia Tang is currently an Outreach and Engagement Coordinator for Lyrasis. Previously, she held archivist positions at Michigan State University, the Library of Congress, and numerous graduate positions at the University of Illinois, where she received her MLIS and Doctor of Musical Arts degree. She is the 2020 recipient of SAA’s Mark A. Greene Emerging Leader Award and was recognized in three SAA Council resolutions as a co-founder of the Archival Workers Emergency Fund, for the Accessibility & Disability Section’s “Archivists at Home” document, and for her work revising SAA’s “Guidelines for Accessible Archives for People with Disabilities.” Dr. Tang currently serves on the Council of the Society of American Archivists. She has also been very active in the ArchivesSpace user community, leading the Staff Interface Enhancement Working Group, Development Prioritization and Usability subteams, and chairing the Users Advisory Council.

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