This course WILL count towards the in-person requirement for the A&D certificate program.
It is scheduled to run September 11-12, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. U.S. central time on each day at The University of Texas at Dallas.
Here’s your chance to receive the instruction and hands-on practice you need to bridge the digital divide. Get acquainted with the language of XML and practice with XML authoring software. This two-day course covers the most recent version of EAD.
Upon completing this workshop, you’ll have:
- Understand the basics of Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- Understand the structure of EAD (the SAA-endorsed encoding standard for archival finding aids)
- Analyze a finding aid for content and structure
- Encode a finding aid using EAD
Who should attend? Archivists and others charged with exploring or implementing EAD at their institution or who want to enhance their résumé.
What You Should Already Know: Participants should have arrangement and description practice and familiarity with finding aids.
A&D Tier: Foundational
A&D Core Competency:
3. Descriptive Standards: Apply rules and practices that codify the content of information used to represent archival materials in discovery tools according to published structural guidelines.
4. Management: Demonstrate ability to manage physical and intellectual control over archival materials.
5. Discovery: Create tools to facilitate access and disseminate descriptive records of archival materials.
Registration Fee: Early-Bird / Regular
SAA Member: $329 / $409
Employee of SAA Member Institution: $399 / $499
Nonmember: $469 / $589
When asked “what aspect of the workshop was most valuable to you?” Participant responses included:
- “Being able to actually encode a finding aid and having knowledgeable instructors.” - Morgan Davis
- “Being able to use EAD immediately in online exercise - this was incredibly valuable.” - Diane Maher
- “Guided hands-on practice encoding finding aids.” - Mary Ann Quinn
- “The workbook was an excellent tool to follow along with the instructors. The whole workshop was great!”
- “Coding the Game & Fish finding aid was the most useful because I could see how the tags worked and how the resulting online finding aid appeared.” - Ellen Fladger
- “Encoding my own institution's finding aid.” - Claire Galloway
- “A straight forward hands-on approach that allowed us to dive in and start marking up finding aids was extremely helpful. The workbook contains an excellent reference guide!” - Leah Loscutoff
- “I have to tell you that this was the best training/workshop on a technical subject that I've ever attended, and I've attended quite a few technical workshops in my time! If all the SAA workshops are this good, then kudos to SAA!” - Laurie Sauer
- The best HTML CheatSheet has its own visual editor where you can apply your own CSS code as well. Web developers and designers love this free online resource!